Tag Archives: no jobs

The fat slave 

Mesha was overweight.  She was 220 lbs and was five foot .despite her weight she was not ugly. She had a prety face. She placed her hair in a pony tail. She was well liked and had a good reputation. 

Her mom died of cancer when she was young. Her dad owned her own bussiness. It was a construction bussiness. It did well but he spent mony to build up the compony. He was not the best at managing mony. He was good at his trade. That helped but not enough.  

His family incured a lot of debt from his late wifes medical bills. He took loans to build up the compony. The company was close to geting back on its feet. Then there was more bad news. 

There was a huge ecomonic downturn. The housing market colapsed. Several banks went insolvent.  There was a major ecomic collapse.  Really a new great depression.  Indications were that it was only going to worse. 

The response of the government was weak.   The president was from a different political party then the congress. The president had been emboiled in a scandal about giving doners top political jobs. His health was falling. His vice president resigned hoping to distence himself from his boss. He was unable to fill the posistion. Congress refused to even consider his vp nominee. 

The president neared the end of his term. The president wanted to end his term quietly.  The ecominic depression and ensuring political upheval left that impossible.  

There was little work. Homes were being foreclosed.  There were bread lines. Many cherity Group fell victom to the ecominic downturn and varnished.  This caused riots and revolts.  There were clahes between the police and rioters. Many state governors mobilized the national gaurd. The situation went from bad to worse. 

Misha got caught in the middle of it. Her dad was on the right tract before the crises began.  The bank that held the loan went belly up. The bank that took over the bank called in the loan. They seized his house and bussiness. He was unemployed and homeless. 

Misha had worked at a mall. The mall closed down.  She was out of work. There was no work. She would had a hard time gerting a job anyways because of her weight. With the absence of work the sutuation was worse. It was almost impossible for her to find a job. 

Her dad managed to get a job working for the federal recovery agency.  He was helping to build what were called habitat homes. There were sheleters for displaced people. He was not making a lot of mony. He got to live in a lahey villege. He got a roof over his head.  

Then that too was short lived. While on a letter, he had a mishap. He fell tp his death.  The f.r.a did bot offer any kibs of life insurence so misha was up a creak again.  

She could not get a job. No one was hiring and if they were they were not hire her.  She could not get a job with a government agency due to her health and her weight. 

She had to sleep in basically a refuge camp. It was a tent citty run by an international relief agentcy. She had to stay in a tent with there other girls. It was uncomfortable.  Bathing consisted of going in a river. It was cold at night.  She cudled with her tent mates. They had no blankets. Bathroom consisted of a realy gross porta potty. 

She hoped that things were imporove. Like the great depression of the 1930s,this would pass eventually. It just had to. She tried to stay positive

The people demanded that the government take action. Neither the president or congress wanted to. Finally congress did something. Thet took action.  There solution was a bit unconventional to say the least. 

The congress passed the road to a better future act (fuba) . The act reinsated slavery. The law exampted African Americans or minority.  The law provided protection for slaves. The congress got the suport of cival liberty groups by letting them writing the law. They included provisions Thet protected animals from crulty due to the hard times. 

The act was hevily debated. It did pass the house. It passed the senate.it was a constitutional amendment so it had to be ratified. It finaly was. Slavery was back in the united states.

A “brilent” congresman  from south decota came up with the idea to force all in government tent city to be sold as slaves. The bill passed. The united states marshal now had an additional mandate. Round up all” economic refugies” and have them sold off at a slave actuon.

Misha was bathing in the river with her roommates.  They had become friends.  They did not mind being naked in front of eachother. They did commonly.  

They had gotten dressed. They wore t shirts and shorts and  sandles.  It got really hot. They heard a comotion. They had no idea what was going on. 

“What is going on?” Misha asked.  “Mam i am deputy united states marshal purit vorhees. I am hear to execute the better future act. ” he said.

They were all put in vans. The vans had the markings united department of better future. Misha and her friends were taken to a changing area. Misha was ordered to strip naked.  She hated being naked in front of orhers. She had lost weight in the refuge camp but she was still overweight. 

She pulled off her green t shirt. The shirt was tight on her. She struggled to pull it off. It had been given to her by a relief worker. It did not fit properly but it was the cloest they had to fitting. She pulled her shorts off. A female slave enploye helped her pull her bra off. She pull her panty off. 

She was given a medical exam. The exam was more to comply stats in her slave reoort. It was not for her own well being.  It was for the perposes of setting her price.  

The slaver set her opening bid low. They had low expectations for her. She was led to the platform.  She was wearing a night gown that bearly covered her.  That was the plan all along she supposed.  

Gavin looked on. Gaven was an air to an inventor who made a kind of air purifier. The conpony expended. It did not got belly up. The conpony had more then one income stream. It navigated the rough watters. 

Gavin was handsome . he had a secret attraction.  A fetish he kept to himself.he was attracted to fat girls. He wanted Misha.  

He began the bill. The slavers feared that they might get any price.  A rivrival of gaven uped the bid. He hoped Gavin would bid again and he did. Another rival uped the bid. Gaven uped it. 

His rival kept bidding.  The slavers could not believe how high the bid was..she ended up being a low sale but way above what the slavers expected.  It was a successful sale. 

She was given a blue nurses scrub on the ride home.  She was put in a van. When they arrived,  Gaven looked her over. 

Gaven had her work in the day time. She cleaned.  She dusted and vacumed the main house. She did it in the nude. Gaven watched her. It was not hard work.

He wanted her to stay a bug girl. He let her eat fatty food. She could have all of her favorite foods.  

Gaven had her brought to him. Misch for now on. You will sleep in my room. You will sleep with me. ” he said. She got in the bed. He loved her tits.he licked them.

He got on top of her. He got inside her. She decided that this would not be so bad

The end

This is a work if fiction abd fantasy. It in no way reflects reality. The legal proceses are probably not correct. 

This story is for fun. It does not reflect the beliefs or opinion of the author. The author does not condone the axtivities depicted hear.